
Monday 3 June 2024



The Siren was searching for some treasure that fell from the boat she just ran up on the rocks.  Scouring the area she smiles suddenly finding the bundle of scrolls.  Finding the scrolls she finds that they are long lost relics, well she is surprised as she reads through the many coloured scrolls, raising an eyebrow as she scans them, finding some seemingly important maps and information that belong to the Land Dwellers, wondering if she can go to the Barterer she knows to sell them for a very high price, well fingers crossed!

/Vae Victis\ - "Reliquia" - Scroll Capsa Collection AVAILABLE NOW AT THE WAREHOUSE SALE EVENT UNTIL THE 18th JUNE (afterwards available at the /Vae Victis| mainstore)

AVAILABLE NOW at The Warehouse Sale, we have Reliquia, a collection of ornate scroll canisters that can be held or rezzed for decoration. Reliquia comes in 10 canister colours with different scroll-holding poses. 10% off at the event!

/Vae Victis\ Main Store HERE

/Vae Victis\ Social Media 

+ Riptide Mermaid Tail (Legacy F) + {Aii & Ego}

Amadeus - Aerial Fins

Amadeus - Wabbed Hands         Amadeus

Badwolf - Lunar Spell Rings

CRYPTID : Solemn [Legacy F]

L'Emporio&PL::*Damned Claws*::BENTO-LEGACY 

Magika - Hair - Lilian 

mermade. // Sea-Coral Halo

Simple Stuff] Outsider Crown


Void - Flutter Lashes (Lilith)

Void - Sibylline Gaze          Void

The pictures were taken at The Safe Waters Foundation HQ using local windlight settings

If you would like more information on The Safe Waters Foundation please CLICK HERE 

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